Out of 4,941 entries from 83 countries, “Onions in Red” was selected as a semi-finalist in the 15th International Art Renewal Center (ARC) Salon Competition, Still Life Category. The traditional oil painting is a dramatically-lit, intensely colored, chiaroscuro rendition of two overlapping onions whose curving green sprouts expressively dance throughout the frame.

The ARC is a leader in the revival of realism in the visual arts, and its salon is the largest and most prestigious competition in the world for realist artists painting, sculpting, and drawing today. Qualification at any level is a tremendous honor and accomplishment. I submitted an application last August with hopeful but realistic expectations. It was truly sublime to find my painting among the superb masterworks passing the first round of selections. In a year full of disappointment and struggle, this was a shining ray of hope.
I’d like to extend my congratulations to all the participating artists. Your immense talent and dedication to mastering the craft of realist art is awe-inspiring. I’d also like to heartily thank the ARC for your support of both myself and the many other accomplished artists, teachers, and institutions working in the classical tradition. It truly means the world to us.
The work of winners, finalists, and semi-finalists is now on view on ARC‘s 15th Annual ARC Salon page at https://artrenewal.org/15thARCSalon/Home/Index.