Being an expat is an every day adventure. Saying all-too-frequent good-byes is one of it’s highest price tags. After moving back to “home”, one of my expat friends found herself very much missing her days on Antwerp’s Eilandje. She saw my Graphic Orchids, and asked if I could create a monochrome oil […]
Yearly Archives: 2015
I began this portrait of Damiano at the same time as the Portrait of Isabella. I used the same process and techniques, but for many reasons, this small scale oil painting proved much more challenging in so very many ways. Let’s start from the beginning. I created this very quick profile […]
This little oil painting has been in the works for many months. It started with a profile sketch about two years ago, then a second round of profile sketches last year. I decided to turn the sketches into a small-scale portrait this past January. I drew inspiration from Leonardo […]
A snowglobe from New York City, a beret from Paris, a water canteen from the Grand Canyon. When most people think of souvenirs, they think of tchotchkes or the clichéd items that embody a place. Apparently we’re a unique family. On our last trip to Italy, we found this stick […]
This drawing took a while to finish… partly due to the size, scale, and complexity of the subject (eyes), and partly because the holidays and several sick family members interrupted. The upside of “slow” is that you can see the progress as the drawing slowly builds up and changes over […]