Eyes No. 1, Large Scale Pencil Drawing on Paper

Eyes No. 1, pencil drawing on paper

This drawing took a while to finish… partly due to the size, scale, and complexity of the subject (eyes), and partly because the holidays and several sick family members interrupted. The upside of “slow” is that you can see the progress as the drawing slowly builds up and changes over time. I thought it would be fun to document the process, and share it with all of you. Hence this little time-elapse video.


Anatomy of Drawing: Eyes No. 1 Time Elapse


…and here’s the final drawing. It is a mid-scale close-up drawn from a color photograph. I chose to focus and zoom in on only the eyes because so much of the human personality shines through the eyes. Does anyone recognise my mystery man?

Eyes No. 1, pencil drawing on paper, 56x26 cm
Eyes No. 1, pencil on paper, 56×26 cm