When working with oil paint, a solid underpainting sets the stage for success. The wipe-out or bistre method of underpainting is one of the easiest ways to get it right, even if you’ve never touched a paintbrush. I use it often when teaching beginners, and love starting a painting this […]
Articles Tagged : tutorial
This post is the second in a series of oil painting project tutorials derived from coursework completed at Academie Noord in Brasschaat, Belgium. Projects were designed by Schilderkunst teacher Marilou van Lierop. The sample artwork is my own. In the 1960s, German artist Gerhard Richter began compiling a series of newspaper clippings and photos of everyday life. He arranged them […]
This post is the first in a series of oil painting project tutorials derived from coursework completed at Academie Noord in Brasschaat, Belgium. Projects were designed by Schilderkunst teacher Marilou van Lierop. The sample artwork is my own. Some art projects are designed to prove a point. This one most certainly qualifies. My painting instructor, Marilou van Lierop, asked us students […]